At HMPS, we offer workshops for groups and sessions for individuals at your location, as well as individual sessions at the studio for corporate clients. Packages can be tailored to your needs on a range of topics including but not limited to:
+ Vocal Health & Branding
If you are in business, your voice is as much a part of your brand as your style guide or products and services. As video content becomes increasingly important online, our voices are much more prominent. The manner in which you speak, including your tone, timbre and articulation can have just as much of an affect on how your market perceives you and your business as the choice of words in your message. It is also important to maintain vocal health and efficiency of use to enable the longevity of the voice.
Our group workshops in Vocal Health & Branding give an overview of the techniques used with practical examples, while our individual sessions are tailored specifically to the client’s vocal needs.
+ Public Speaking Skills
Are you nervous in front of an audience? Do you struggle to be heard even with a microphone in your hand? Does making a speech fill you with dread? Our one-on-one sessions will demystify the art of public speaking, build confidence and equip you with the skills to get your message across.
+ Team Building
Our group Team Building workshops are perfect to get your team working together cohesively. Activities focus on building communication skills and empathy through a variety of performing arts tasks. Strengthen your business by creating a community and enhancing the culture of your work environment.
+ Creative Thinking Strategies
Did you know that Einstein came up with his best ideas while he was playing violin? Playing a musical instrument is a whole brain workout! We know that creativity and problem solving is a highly sought skill in business, so our group Creative Thinking Strategies workshops aim to unlock your team’s potential through improvisation. Develop skills in problem solving and encourage your team to think outside of the box while participating in music making.
Packages may be as simple as a one-off Vocal Health & Branding session or as complex as a full day all-staff workshop combining Creative Thinking Strategies and Team Building with subsequent one-on-one sessions for key staff members on Public Speaking Skills.
Please contact us for a quote or to discuss how we can create a package for your business.